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Introducing Forest Admin Professional Services

At Forest Admin, we want to ensure that any businesses can benefit from Forest Admin without worrying about diverting their team's resources to an internal tool, no matter how important it is.

Introducing Forest Admin Professional Services

Since the beginning of Forest Admin, how many times have I seen leads highly interested in our product but unfortunately, they didn't have the bandwidth or the internal resources to install Forest Admin.

It reminds me of the very beginning, when I would go out of my way to travel to the offices of our leads and install Forest Admin alongside their developers… the good old days. Over time, I began to do this less often as inbound brought us a rich pipeline to focus on.

Today we have a wish, that landing in our product is frictionless. It requires product iterations (you can't imagine what we are preparing, it will be a game changer), and it requires refocusing our business activities to offer the smoothest onboarding experience to our customers.

It has been years since we have been thinking about solving this issue we have heard thousands of times. And today is the big day. We are perfectly prepared to launch our new Professional Services offer.

Our goal with this offer is to ensure that any businesses can benefit from Forest Admin without worrying about diverting their team's resources to an internal tool, no matter how important it is.

Why now?

Although we have been considering it for years, launching this type of offer should not be taken lightly. The most important thing for us is to always provide best-in-class service to our customers, and this requires preparation.

At first, we knew that having a team dedicated to the customer experience was going to be essential to the success of this new service. We had to make sure that the team was made up of the right people, with the right development and business skills, with the right attitude.

Once the team was in place, it was trained in-depth on the Forest Admin product, which was essential for providing a custom admin panel that is tailored to the customer's needs, whether it is a SaaS, a marketplace, a fintech, an health tech, or any other industry. Our team has supported hundreds of client use cases and knows how the admin panel should be built and configured so it can support any company through all phases of growth.

A service tailored to your needs

We offer four packages of professional services to help you get the most out of Forest Admin.

  • Onboarding: We provide a complete setup of Forest Admin that includes installation, configuration, deployment and the training of our team. Our engineers can ensure that all the necessary settings are applied and that you have the best experience when using the admin panel.
  • Migration: Our engineers are here to help you transition from your existing admin panel to Forest Admin. We will help you migrate your existing data and ensure that the new admin panel works seamlessly with your existing systems.
  • Implementation: Our engineers can assist you in the implementation of any custom business logic that you might need. This includes custom action buttons, calculated fields, customized collections, and advanced workflows. We can also help you integrate third-party services with your admin panel.
  • On-Premise: Our engineers can help you deploy Forest Admin on-premise. This will give you full control over your admin panel infrastructure and allow you to take advantage of the full range of features and capabilities of Forest Admin.


During this launch, spots will be heavily limited. We are almost certain that we won't be able to meet the demand immediately. We will select a few companies that we feel comfortable working with in order to provide them with quality service and allow us to go the extra mile. As we said, what matters most to us is providing the best customer experience.

If you feel the need to be better equipped with an internal tool that gathers your app's data and third-party services to better manage your business operations without investing time and energy, contact us quickly so we can assess if we can help you or not.

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