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Forest Admin Release Note: May 2023

Curious about our latest product releases? Here is what we launched in May 2023.

Forest Admin Release Note: May 2023

Curious about our latest product releases? Here is what we launched in May 2023!

New product releases

☁️  Forest Admin Cloud (Instant Setup) Only: Authorize Forest Admin IP Addresses for Enhanced Security

This recent release allows you to authorise Forest Admin IP address in your database to enhance security when using Forest Admin Cloud (Instant Setup). Read how.

✉️ Copy the invitation link and share it with your new teammates

Action to copy the invitation link in the Forest Admin user settings.

We have recently added a small functionality that helps administrators to invite users. If, for any reason, a new user doesn’t receive an invitation to Forest Admin, just go to Project Settings > Users > select a user who is pending an invitation > click on Actions > and Copy the invitation link.

🔢 Select a page to display on the collection view

Select a page number in a Forest Admin collection.

We have also released a small improvement that allows you to select a specific page to display on the collection view. There is no need to click several times to access the page that you want! Just click on the page’s number and select the right one.

🔑 Configure the SSO on multiple organizations in the same identity provider

Another improvement is related to the Single Sign-On configuration. To avoid issues due to restrictions relative to some Identity Providers, now, when creating a new SSO configuration through our Organization Settings, the given ID should be forestadmin-OrganizationName instead of just forestadmin. Read more about the SSO Configuration.

🧩 New features on Workspaces: Better control the data displayed on the collection components

Workspaces have also gained new features and improvements. Now, you have more control over the data displayed in the collection component:

  • Manually set the number or records visible per page in the table.
  • Decide whether to show different elements of the UI such as filters, Actions and Create buttons, and search bar.
  • You can enable or disable segments dropdown to give your users more or less freedom when it comes to displaying data in that specific collection.
Additional display control on the collection component of a Forest Admin workspace.
  • Finally, you can choose between a smart view and a table view if your collections has a smart one. If it doesn't (like in the screenshot above), the option is disabled.
Custom View selection of a collection component in a Forest Admin workspace.
Default View selection of a collection component in a Forest Admin workspace.

New data sources available on Forest Admin

Flask and MongoDB Atlas datasources supported by Forest Admin.

The number of tech stacks supported by Forest Admin is growing all the time 🎉
We have recently officially released our Supabase and MongoDB Atlas integrations, and very soon you’ll be able to onboard with Flask. Join the waiting list to stay informed!

As a reminder, Forest Admin is currently compatible with PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Supabase, Ruby on Rails, Django, Laravel, Symfony, and Node.js (ExpressJS, NestJS, Koa, Fastify). We also support multiple data sources, so you are not limited to one!

Discover all the data sources available on Forest Admin.

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