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Inside Popwork's Integration of Forest Admin for Enhanced Support and Operations

Popwork is a solution for management rituals, pulse metrics & HR dashboards. They chose Forest Admin as a back-office solution because it allowed them to start rapidly, it was compatible with MERN tech stack, and it allowed the Popwork team to manage user accounts in a user-friendly and secure way.

Inside Popwork's Integration of Forest Admin for Enhanced Support and Operations

Executive Summary

Popwork is an all-in-one solution for management rituals, pulse metrics & HR dashboards, used by startups, SMEs and larger enterprises. When Popwork was launched in 2020, the founding team decided not to build an admin panel in-house but to focus all the resources on the core product and look for a ready-to-use back-office solution. They chose Forest Admin because it allowed them to get started rapidly, it was compatible with their MERN tech stack, and it allowed the Popwork team to manage user accounts in a user-friendly and secure way.

About Popwork

Popwork believes it’s time to put an end to bad management. After all, most of us have heard the statement "You don't leave a company, you leave a manager" - indeed, 50% of employees quit their companies because of bad management according to the latest Gallup studies.

To tackle this issue, Popwork has built an all-in-one solution for management rituals, pulse metrics, and HR dashboards to transform management culture. One-to-one meeting notes, feedback reviews, and ritual reports can be found on one platform, along with dashboards and analytical tools that help to monitor management practices and notice changes. On top of that, Popwork provides modern training programs to upskill managers.

Popwork homepage

Founded in 2020, Popwork has raised €1.5 million in seed funds, in a round led by Evolem Start, alongside angel investors from tech and HR backgrounds. Since then, it has rapidly accrued early business from growth-chasing SMEs, like Axeptio and AVISIA, as well as global corporates like energy major Engie.

How Popwork uses Forest Admin

Just like any customer-centric company, Popwork needed an admin panel to manage customer support operations from day one. As Florian Le Merrer, Popwork's co-founder and CPO, has told us:

From the beginning, we knew that we didn't want to build an admin panel ourselves. Although a back office is necessary to operate our business, we preferred to focus our resources on the core of our software and use a ready-to-use solution to manage internal operations. We chose Forest Admin as it seemed the easiest solution to get up and running quickly. Since then, it has been one of the main tools our CSM team uses to administer company accounts and to take actions whenever our users require it.

Custom Actions

These actions typically require the essentials of customer support, such as adding or removing users, changing their permission levels, creating or removing teams, editing user data upon request, billing-related actions linked with Stripe, extending the trial period, and so on.

Forest Admin custom actions dropdown list
An example of custom actions built on Forest Admin. This screenshots comes from a demo project, Forest Admin doesn’t have access to user data.

A special feature of Popwork are management rituals - recurring meetings between managers and their team members. Popwork users are free to activate or deactivate them, change their frequency, and so on. However, whenever customers need assistance, the Popwork support team can do it on their behalf right from Forest Admin.

Seamless access to user data

Popwork uses Forest Admin to allow team members to take actions on user data, but everything starts with giving team members access to user data in a way that is both user-friendly and safe. Popwork has customized the layout of their admin panel using the Summary View feature that allows quick access to the most relevant data. This view gives Popwork a default entry point when navigating users or management rituals.

Forest Admin is our only tool to manage user accounts. We don't make edits in the database any other way. - said Florian Le Merrer.

Forest Admin Summary View example
An example of a summary view built on Forest Admin with a drag-and-drop editor. This screenshot comes from a demo project, Forest Admin doesn’t have access to user data.

Looking for a ready-to-use admin panel to manage customer operations?