Using AI to scale Customer Operations: Real-life examples

Join our panel discussion full of real life examples of using AI to scale Customer Operations and solutions to common challenges like hallucinations and hacking.
Wednesday, January 10 2024
Hexa, 12 Rue Martel, 75010 Paris

Event highlights

  • Join us for a panel discussion where experts from different fields will share their strategies for scaling customer operations with AI. Discover real-world applications and learn from the practical use cases that have reshaped customer interactions in 2023.
  • The panel will also cover solutions to common challenges like AI-generated hallucinations and potential hacking due to hasty implementation of the AI.
  • As we peer into the future of AI in customer engagement, you'll gain a profound understanding of the trends shaping the industry.
  • You will also have the opportunity to meet and network with other professionals and exchange experiences.


Jean-Louis Quéguiner
Founder at Gladia,
Helping companies leverage their data with Speech AI
Olivier Moindrot
Co-founder & CEO at Fragment, AI-powered task management system.
Fadeelah Al-horaibi
Head of Product at Slite, A knowledge base on autopilot.
Sandro Munda
Founder & CEO at Forest Admin
Louis Steenbrink
Director of Revenue at Forest Admin


Welcome & Networking
Panel Discussion: How AI Powers Exceptional Customer Operations
Apéro & Networking

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