Forest Admin Cloud

Instantly generate an Admin Panel,
tailored to your needs

Getting an admin panel doesn't have to be time-consuming. Instead of building it, Forest Admin Cloud generates an admin panel on top of your data in a matter of seconds.
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1. Teamwide admin panel

Generate a swift and customizable admin panel

Forest Admin Cloud streamlines admin panel creation, saving time for customer-focused app development and enabling business teams to easily customize internal tools without coding.
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2. Highly customizable

Customize your admin panel to suit your team's needs

Forest Admin Cloud offers SaaS flexibility and home-made customization, allowing non-technical team members to adapt admin panels for unique business scenarios.
Organise your data visually, to suit your business’ needs.
Save time on the most common operations.
Manage your views, to increase efficiency.
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3. Easy setup

Generate an admin panel with one-click setup

Create your panel in just 30 seconds with Forest Admin Cloud. No environment variable setups required - just enter your database credentials and go. Enjoy advanced data handling through smart actions beyond basic CRUD operations.
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4. 1000+ automations

Thousands of automations under one roof

Turn your admin panel into the central hub for all customer operations thanks to native integrations of Forest Admin with Zapier, Make, and n8n. With just a few clicks, you can have thousands of workflows under one roof.
Engage with prospects and leads without leaving an admin panel,
Enrich user information with CRM data for better lead scoring,
Synchronize all user data with one click on the button,
and more. The only limit is your imagination.
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Your new admin panel is only 1 click away

Generate an admin panel in a few moments with Forest Admin Cloud.
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